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Why Tin?
Tin is primarily used for soldering circuit boards, but researchers are starting to use tin to coat the anode in Li-ion batteries and its use in the battery market has continued to expand. In 2017, researchers from the Massachusetts Institute for Technology (MIT) in the United States estimated that Tin is the metal most likely to be positively affected by future technology as it is a vital component in the manufacturing of electric vehicles, advanced robotics, renewable energies and advanced computing. Tin’s usage across such a wide modern manufacturing spectrum is what put it on the U.S. list of critical minerals.

Tin prices have increased 94% over the last year as they are used in the coating of the lithium-ion battery anodes.
Electric Vehicles
- Tin use in batteries expected to rise to 60,000 tonnes by 2030 from current 26,000 tonnes.
- Tin is an additive coating in the anode of the LiBs improves stability of the battery.
Advanced Robotics
- It is predicted that the market for industrial and non-industrial robots will grow from $83bn in 2019 to $209bn by 2025.
- Renewables will provide almost 30% of power demand in 2023, up from 24% in 2017 and is forecast to meet more than 70% of global electricity generation growth.